I suspect the idea of a world without rules has been a daydream of children since the beginning of time. “I could live on sweets and milkshakes”. “I could drive daddies’ car”. “I could go to bed when I want” and so on. With maturity comes the realisation that a world without rules would be […]
Read moreIn 1959, American academic William Foster-Harris postulated that there are three plots for a novel or movie. ‘Happy Ending’, ‘Unhappy Ending’ and ‘Tragedy’. In 1977 Meatloaf reached number 32 in the UK charts with ‘Two out of three ain’t bad’. Which, in the private rental sector is what Governments have achieved so far. I look […]
Read moreAs a residential block management specialist, I am often put in mind of my famous great grand uncle Rea il Magnifico. My uncle was a tightrope walker in northern Italy during the 1920’s. He wowed audiences with his amazing dexterity. As a block manager I feel I am preserving a family tradition. Walking a tightrope. […]
Read moreIn Catalonia they have a lovely old expression when bidding farewell to a friend. “Que no haya novedad”. “Let no new thing arise”. Because as we know, change usually means trouble. But in business change must be seen as an opportunity to be embraced. Possibly the biggest change to hit business in living memory was […]
Read moreI am proud of our Complaints Procedure. It is an escalation from “Can we sit down and talk about this?” to “call in the Ombudsman you poltroon”. Lavazza coffee and Italian biscuits solve most disputes. If an ACAS officer happens to read this, that is the answer right there. There are exceptions. You may complain […]
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